

Connecting with other families who have similar experiences can have a very positive impact on your family, and DSAMT has a vibrant community of families and friends who participate in our many events and connect for support and friendship.  Our events calendar has many opportunities available for families to enjoy.

Family Activities

Connecting families is an important part of of DSAMT's mission, and we hold multiple events throughout the year to bring families together to celebrate, network and fellowship.

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G.O.A.T. means "Greatest of All Time" - and best represents our parents of adults with Down syndrome!  DSAMT supports caregivers throughout the lifecycle and in many ways - from social get-togethers for networking and support to education and more.  You can also join the Facebook DSAMT G.O.A.T.S group.

Upcoming meetings can be found under events!

African-American Families of DSAMT

African-American Families of DSAMT is a new support group offering opportunities for African-American caregivers or anyone caring for an African-American child or adult with Down syndrome.

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Amigos de DSAMT

Amigos de DSAMT brinda apoyo y amistad a nuestros padres hispanohablantes de niños con síndrome de Down. También puede unirse al grupo de Facebook de Amigos de DSAMT.


Amigos de DSAMT provides support and friendship for our Spanish-speaking parents of children with Down syndrome.  You can also join Amigos de DSAMT Facebook group.

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Extraordinary™ Moms

The Extraordinary™ Moms Group provides support and friendship for moms of children and adults with Down syndrome. The group meets regularly for Mom's Night Out gatherings at various locations throughout our service area. Moms from our County Friends of DSAMT groups also periodically organize family play group outings or other gatherings.


Upcoming meetings can be found under events!

Extraordinary Dads

Extraordinary Dads have children with Down syndrome and thus a shared experience. Their mission is to assist and support, through fellowship and action, the fathers and families of children with Down syndrome.


You can also join the Extraordinary Dads Facebook Group!


Upcoming meetings can be found under events

Grandparents Support Group

The Grandparent Support Group meets periodically to encourage and strengthen each other, by striving to increase knowledge, understanding and hope about Down syndrome. Any grandparent impacted by Down syndrome is encouraged to join this group to learn more about improving the lives of everyone within their family.

You can join the Middle TN Grandparents of Children with DS through their Facebook Group.

County Friends of DSAMT

DSAMT's Community Support Groups Initiative are parent-led, local support groups  offering opportunities for Middle Tennessee families to connect with families who live close by.  

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Siblings Support Group

Siblings can be a tremendous source of strength for all individuals with Down syndrome, but they can also have some unique needs that may arise from the stress of having a sibling with special needs.  DSAMT seeks to support our siblings in a variety of ways.


Siblings are encouraged to join the DSAMT Siblings Facebook group.

Dual Extraordinnaire

Dual Exraordinnaire is DSAMT's support group for caregivers/parents of children/adults with both Down syndrome and autism. The group is intended to support families who experience the unique challenges and celebrate the good times and friendships together. Join the Facebook group.

3.21 Celebration

March 21st is recognized as World Down Syndrome Awareness Day (3.21), a day we celebrate everyone with a third copy of the 21st chromosome, or as we like to say, that "something extra."  DSAMT celebrates in many ways.

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