
The Spotlight

DSAMT recognizes and celebrates the achievements of individuals with Down syndrome of all ages and shares these with the community through The Spotlight. Any individual in Middle Tennessee is eligible to be selected for The Spotlight, and those featured will receive a special gift from DSAMT.

Jake Stacy

Jake is a fun loving 10-year-old going into 5th grade this fall at College Grove Elementary. Jake participated in his first Special Olympics this year, where he BROKE THE RECORD for the longest softball throw in Williamson County. His entire school cheered him on when he received this news!

Jake loves going to school and seeing all of friends! His favorite class is PE. He is the best brother to Ben (15) and Carter (7). They are his best friends and biggest fans.

Jake’s hobbies include playing sports like basketball and soccer. He loves listening to music, dancing, swimming and driving his four-wheeler and go-cart. He also enjoys watching YouTube videos and would like to one day create his own channel.

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Do You Know Someone Who Should be in the DSAMT Spotlight?

Do you know someone who should to be our Spotlight of the Month? Email a photo and a short explanation why to

Jake Stacy

Jake is a fun loving 10-year-old going into 5th grade this fall at College Grove Elementary. Jake participated in his first Special Olympics this year, where he BROKE THE RECORD for the longest softball throw in Williamson County. His entire school cheered him on when he received this news!

Jake loves going to school and seeing all of friends! His favorite class is PE. He is the best brother to Ben (15) and Carter (7). They are his best friends and biggest fans.

Jake’s hobbies include playing sports like basketball and soccer. He loves listening to music, dancing, swimming and driving his four-wheeler and go-cart. He also enjoys watching YouTube videos and would like to one day create his own channel.

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Rivers DeLisle

Rivers DeLisle excels at building sign language skills, enjoys music therapy and PE, and has been awarded the 2nd grade boy PE award. Rivers enjoys swimming with the Nashville Dolphins, and the Challenger Baseball team. In addition, Rivers particularly enjoys taking riding lessons at Saddle Up! When not actively engaged in a sport Rivers is usually dancing or singing his way through life.

Rivers and Jelly Bean were featured on News Channel 5 after being chosen as the Ambassador for Monroe Carell Jr. Hospital at Vanderbilt for the 2023 Iroquois Steeplechase.

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Kristianna Young

Kristianna Young is a perfect example of beauty and grace.  She is an African American woman with Down syndrome who is making her mark. Kristianna was recently presented to society as a Debutante in the Cotillion Ball/Jabberwock sponsored by the Fortitude Foundation of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter. She was crowned as the second runner up to Ms. Jabberwock. Kristianna also graduated from Pope John Paul II College Preparatory Academy in Hendersonville, TN in May of 2023. She plans to participate in the Transitions Program through Metro Nashville Public Schools in the fall, which is a vocational training program.

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Keiston Flood

Keiston Flood recently participated in the Sparkle Pageant and was named “Mr. Lights Up the Room”. This is a perfect description of Keiston, because it is very rare to see Keiston out when he is not smiling and having a good time.  Keiston is an extremely intelligent young man who is often said to be kind, polite, and helpful, especially towards children. DSAMT staff members agree he is a great example of a young gentleman.

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Delaney Heflin

In January 2023, Delaney Heflin competed in the TN State Winter Games in Gatlinburg, TN for skiing. While there, she received 1st place in Alpine Slalom and 4th place in Alpine Downhill. This is especially extraordinary since Delaney only started participating in Special Olympics in spring, 2022 and this was a brand-new sport for her.

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Nathan Oliver

Over the course of just three months of working, BIG changes were seen in Nathan – and not just at work! Rather than needing lots of encouragement at Circle of Friends, Nathan willingly joined other participants in activities, fully participating in kickboxing, following all instructor directions.  We even caught him smiling several times.

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