
Welcome Letter From Alecia

Dear New Parent,

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family!

As a fellow parent of a child with Down syndrome, I want to personally congratulate your family and welcome you to the Down syndrome community and the Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee (DSAMT).

If you are like most parents, including myself, learning that your baby has Down syndrome caused an avalanche of emotions, questions and concerns. Everyone’s experience receiving the diagnosis is unique, but I can promise you that you are not alone and that you have a beautiful new baby who will bring you much joy.

My third child, Ron, has Down syndrome. He is fully included in school, he swims, attends birthday parties, plays Legos with his sister, goes fishing with his grandpa and is charming, mischievous and affectionate. Every day he teaches me something new, and I am extremely grateful for the gifts that he brings to our family. You, too, have much to look forward to!

DSAMT celebrates and supports individuals with Down syndrome and their families. It began with a handful of parents who wanted to make a difference and has grown over the past fifteen years into an organization that serves families in more than 40 counties in Middle Tennessee. We provide events for the entire family, support groups for parents, grandparents and siblings, educational opportunities and advocacy.

You may be reluctant to get involved right now, and that’s OK. When you’re ready or have any questions, we are here for you. We are an active, supportive community and very much look forward to getting to know your family.

In celebration & gratitude,

Alecia Talbott, Executive Director
c. 615-881-4261