
The Spotlight

DSAMT recognizes and celebrates the achievements of individuals with Down syndrome of all ages and shares these with the community through The Spotlight. Any individual in Middle Tennessee is eligible to be selected for The Spotlight, and those featured will receive a special gift from DSAMT.

Jake Stacy

Jake is a fun loving 10-year-old going into 5th grade this fall at College Grove Elementary. Jake participated in his first Special Olympics this year, where he BROKE THE RECORD for the longest softball throw in Williamson County. His entire school cheered him on when he received this news!

Jake loves going to school and seeing all of friends! His favorite class is PE. He is the best brother to Ben (15) and Carter (7). They are his best friends and biggest fans.

Jake’s hobbies include playing sports like basketball and soccer. He loves listening to music, dancing, swimming and driving his four-wheeler and go-cart. He also enjoys watching YouTube videos and would like to one day create his own channel.

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Do You Know Someone Who Should be in the DSAMT Spotlight?

Do you know someone who should to be our Spotlight of the Month? Email a photo and a short explanation why to

Nathan Oliver

Over the course of just three months of working, BIG changes were seen in Nathan – and not just at work! Rather than needing lots of encouragement at Circle of Friends, Nathan willingly joined other participants in activities, fully participating in kickboxing, following all instructor directions.  We even caught him smiling several times.

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Josh Putman

Josh Putman has worked at the Madison Aaron’s for the last 12 months. Josh says he loves his job! He has met new people, has made friends, learns something new every day, and has even sold a washer and dryer! 

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Cailyn Wheaton

LittleBIG Dog Treats is pretty much a one woman show, and Cailyn literally does it all from following the recipes, coming up with new treats, cutting and laying out treats for baking, bagging, labeling, setting up for sales, passing out information cards, meeting customers and their dogs and collecting the money for sales. It seems the only thing she does not do is taste test the treats - that is her dog Briley’s job.

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Meghan Maynard

Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee is proud to present 2016 Self-Advocate of the Year Meghan Maynard!

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Claire Davis

Claire, who is about 18 months old, has Down syndrome, and has been in the hospital more than most people will in their entire lives.

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Sammy Martinez

Luz Jirasko and Rodrigo Martinez speak with DSAMT about their 18 month old miracle, Sammy, who is in for one of his last rounds of chemotherapy.

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